While the PowerWright Technologies’ Hurricane Committee prepares its annual business continuity plan, it also wants to ensure employees are also prepared. As a result, the Technical Services Group is in the process of developing a Hurricane Information Center that hosts links and pertinent messages for employees so that they can access this information from anywhere.
There will be a supplies checklist and links such as how to prepare the home, what to do before and after an evacuation, and how to determine if you’re in a flood zone. In addition, a dashboard is planned for communiques from the President and to show the status of office openings and closings in case of an impending hurricane.
“While it is important that we have a business continuity plan in place for our clients, we also want to provide as much information as possible for our employees to keep them safe and informed in case of a hurricane”, states President, Jaimie Wright. “Giving employees ease of access to something like this, allows them to be prepared in case of an emergency and gives us all the ability to communicate with one another in one place.”
The intranet is almost complete and PowerWright expects to roll it out to employees by the end of June.